Puzzle Pirates

THEME: Cartoon, Fantasy | PLATFORM: Browser | STATUS: Final

Who would have thought that the life of a pirate involved so much puzzle solving? Puzzle Pirates is a free browser game where a pirates’ day is filled with brain challenges. To perform the different missions in the game the player has to solve several riddles, usually with a theme related to the task at hand.

As you solve puzzles, you get the opportunity to join a group where pirates may progress in ranking, besides buying and controlling ships, with the ultimate goal of becoming the captain. Playing Puzzle Pirates while communicating using pirate expressions and growls is recommended for more suitable atmosphere. Puzzle Pirates offers a lot of puzzles, both single and multiplayer, mostly variations of traditional games or slight adaptations. There’s a drinking contest, sword fighting, and various games where players produce rum or other benefits. The pirates with better performance will win trophies for their feats.

An economy system is part of the game, with resources such as wood or iron being produced and sold in the islands’ markets. Players run these stores and select what is to be produced and its price. Anyone may open a store, sometimes having to apply to the island’s governor, but there’s a store opening and weekly fee.

Puzzle Pirates is a success, with a few million registered players, mostly due to the original blend of ideas and addictive puzzle gameplay.

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