Bless Online’s western version is canceled: Gamigo makes official statement

Bless online rebuild

After yesterday's announcement by developer Neowiz, today is Gamigo's turn to confirm that Bless Online‘s western version is canceled and the game effectively won't be coming to North America and Europe, at least through publisher Aeria Games. Gamigo's statement is as follows:

“Gamigo cancels negotiations on cooperation with Neowiz Games (Bless)

Gamigo announces that the MMORPG Bless Online will not be published in Europe and North America. The cooperation between the Korean games developer Neowiz Games and the Gamigo group has been terminated by mutual agreement.

Unfortunately, the collaboration had to be cancelled because after extensive testing the game did not meet the quality standards of both Neowiz Games and the Gamigo group. Jens Knauber, COO of the Gamigo group, regrets this development: “Together with Neowiz we have come to the conclusion that the technical difficulties cannot be overcome, so we agreed not to complete the game for our respective markets. This has not been an easy decision for us and we put a lot of thought into this step. On the other hand, we have a number of interesting new releases coming up to complement our already strong portfolio, so our players can look forward to several new games in the near future.”

Gamigo will announce its upcoming games in a separate news before gamescom 2017.”

We'll have to see if Neowiz chooses to look for other publisher for the North American and European markets or even go it alone (on Steam, for example), or if this is one more nail in the coffin of Bless Online, which recently merged its Korean servers into a single one and saw the Russian version closed for an indefinite period for revisions.

On the other hand, Gamigo promises “several new games in the near future”, so let's see what they have in store.

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