Bluehole: Tera sequel isn’t in development right now

There's been a lot of talk about the development of a Tera Rising sequel but nothing was officially confirmed by Bluehole Studio. However, the job posting released in May 2013 apparently mentioned a sequel to Tera (not Tera 2, mind), and a recent artwork was allegedly from the Tera sequel. Only it wasn't.

Developer Bluehole Studio confirmed that no direct sequel to Tera is in development right now (thanks MMOCulture). The studio is working on two new projects codenamed “Project W” and “Project EXA” that will feature a new combat system that apparently has never been seen in any online games before. These projects are only similar to Tera Rising in the western fantasy design style and won't share any other features.

Besides these games, Bluehole Studio is also working on a mobile game featuring the popular Elins – Elin Expedition, a game featuring turn-based combat but where there will be other races besides the Elin.

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