The Bloodthirsty Countess is now available in Paragon

The new Paragon hero has a real thirst for blood – the Countess is now available for everyone to play. Countess is a burst caster whose greatest strengths are misdirection and unpredictability. Utilizing her abilities, Countess can quickly single out and assassinate a key target and vanish into the darkness.

Here are her abilities and you can watch her in action in the new overview video right below.

– Blade Siphon – Countess quickly spins her blades around her, causing damage in a circle around her. Passive: Countess regains a percent of her max health every time she kills an enemy, with bonus health for a Hero kill.
– Shadow Slip – Countess targets a nearby enemy and blinks to it, dealing damage and applying a slow. If the target is a minion, it is executed. Reactivate to return to the original position.
– Dark Tide – Countess sends out a roiling cloud of darkness in front of her, dealing damage to all enemies in the area of effect.
– Feast – Countess jumps to a nearby enemy Hero, forcing them to look at her and stunning them before dealing a massive burst of damage. Countess is locked down for the duration of the attack.

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