Fairy Tail is currently in graphics polishing stages, has pet system

Fairy Tail: Hero's Journey closed beta live

It's that time again, the time for a short update on the development of the Fairy Tail: Hero's Journey MMORPG. Once a game that was going to enter closed beta before 2016 came to a close, it's still without a closed beta date set in stone. Dedveloper GameSamba has just made a small update concerning the game's status (it's an official Fairy Tail game, in case you're wondering), saying that it's currently in the graphics polishing stages. We don't know what this actually means in the grand scale of things, or if the studio has other big tasks ahead of the closed beta.

And if you're wondering if Fairy Tail: Hero's Journey features a pet system, the answer was short and sweet: yes! Well, that's something, right? Take a look at the new artwork below while you count the days for a closed beta that is definitely taking its time.


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