Minecraft-like Creativerse is launching as free-to-play on May 8

Creativerse is partaking the joys of early access for quite some time now (here's our first look from 2015), nearly three years in fact, but who's counting? This little Minecraft-like online crafting game is finally making the jump to full release in May 8, 2017 and as a free-to-play game just as it's always been until now. Developer Playful Corp is saying that over 2.6 million players have registered during early access, and even at this moment Creativerse has a very healthy playerbase, as you can see for yourself. Landmark, eat your heart out.

There's even a gift for everyone who helped shape the game and for the leeches: you can use the code “THANKYOU” in the game’s store until May 7 to get the super rare recipe for the Unicorn Sword, aka The Rainbownator 5000, as well as the Ultimate Machines Pack!

Free stuff, what's not to love?

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