MU Legend giveaway live, beta runs for two weeks

MU Legend faction wars

In case you didn't know already, our MU Legend closed beta giveaway is live and you should definitely grab a key quickly as they probably won't last long – if you're still not following on Facebook to know about the giveaways as soon as we launch them, what are you waiting for?

We already knew that the MU Legend closed beta is scheduled for October 25th, 2016, but now we know that it will run for two weeks, ending on November 8th. More than enough time to try this Diablo-like game and experiment with the four classes initially available. Although there's no official word, we're pretty sure that there will be a wipe when this first closed beta ends, so don't get too attached to your characters.

Richard Moon, Head of Global Business at WEBZEN, commented: “We have been thrilled by the positive reaction of the fans that have pre-registered for the MU Legend closed beta. Now with the beta key giveaway, fans have another option to participate in the closed beta and help us shape the game.” He continued: “We not only welcome participation, but also feedback. We can't wait to hear what our fans think of this new generation of MU.”

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