Stalker’s fish: Atom Fishing 2 is a post-apocalyptic fishing simulator

If you're into fishing but the current games are lacking a je ne sais quoi, maybe some zombie dogs or Russian rappers, then we have great news for you. Atom Fishing 2 is a post-apocalyptic fishing simulator developed in Russia and where you do a bit more than just fishing, including survival elements, quests, character development and more. Some fishes in this game are based on real fish, while others are mutated versions.

Atom Fishing 2 is currently on Steam Greenlight but it's difficult to know exactly how it plays, as the Engrish in that page is really scary and the developers currently are only mentioning a Russian version – read the official description and weep:

“The world of “green apocalypse”, the world of wild and sometimes bizarre nature. This is not just a fishing simulator, this simulator of survival in difficult conditions apocalypse. The AF2 are present not only the usual fish species have adapted to changing environmental conditions, but also mutated inhabitants of ponds. Perform quests, develop your character, improve and create new tackle and then, perhaps you unravel the mysteries of this world.”

Anyway, we wish the game world of half the current MMORPGs looked as good as Atom Fishing 2 – it's like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series decided to go fishing.

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