Crimson Desert Character Creation | Is There Character Customization?

Crimson Desert Character Creation

There are high hopes for the Crimson Desert character creation system. The impossibly high stakes set forward by Pearl Abyss' previous game, Black Desert, left everyone curious about the next step for customization in videogames. But there is a twist that could turn the tables and leave everyone disappointed – Crimson Desert is not an MMORPG. Instead, we're getting a single-player narrative-driven game with an integrated but optional multiplayer mode, with ragtag mercenary Macduff as the protagonist. You can't escape his bearded, angrier Jon Snow looks, or can you?

Is There an In-Depth Crimson Desert Character Customization System?

Crimson Desert Character Creation

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Anything that can be said about the Crimson Desert customization at this point needs to be put into context. For this, you must know that the single-player adventure of the game is limits you to Macduff, and you can't change his face. Sorry, that beard stays on, that haircut will remain the same throughout. However, you get to change his overall looks depending on what kind of gear and outfits you choose to equip.

When all is said and done, that's pretty much a no-go for Crimson Desert character creation where Macduff is concerned. But don't let that discourage you, because you'll still be able to create your dream mercenary.

While the single-player adventure offers no character creator, there is an additional game mode that you can play even before reaching the end of the main story. The tentative name of this mode is “Another Journey,” and you can dive in with your very own character, customized from head to toe thanks to the advanced Pearl Abyss character creation tools. The mind-blowing creations seen in Black Desert will only get better in Crimson Desert, since the game runs in a new proprietary next-generation engine developed by the Korean Studio.

The Crimson Desert official launch is scheduled for Winter 2021 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S.

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