Legends of Runeterra Deck Codes | How to import and export decks

Legends of Runeterra Deck Codes

The League of Legends collectible card game Legends of Runeterra is finally available and millions of players are already exploring every nook and cranny. Behind its simple looks lies a complex and compelling CCG that will take months to master, with dozens of cards to experiment with and many more coming with regular updates. But if you want to learn with the pros, one of the best ways to do so is by importing the best Legends of Runeterra Deck Codes. But how do you How to import and export decks?

How to import and export the best Legends of Runeterra Deck codes

Best Legends of Runeterra Deck Codes

Riot Games implemented a very easy and straightforward way for you to import and export Legends of Runeterra decks. In case you discover one deck that seems infallible – not that there is one that reigns supreme, but you can find some very strong decks -, you can import it into your game. On the other hand, if you feel like you’ve created a great Legends of Runeterra deck and want to share it with your friends and the community, this is also extremely easy to do.

A Legends of Runeterra deck code usually looks something like this:


It’s a long string of numbers that includes the 40 cards that make up a deck. Decks are comprised of Champion, Unit, and Spell cards, and you should have six Champion cards in each deck.

Here are the steps that you need to take to import the Legends of Runeterra best decks:

  • From the Main Menu, click on Collection
  • On the top you’ll see an Import Deck button
  • Click it and past the deck code
  • Click Import Deck and it will be added into your collection

And how to export the Legends of Runeterra decks:

  • Head over to your Collection
  • Click on one of your decks
  • As the new window appears, click the Share button
  • Copy the Deck code and share it with the world

Obviously, things aren’t as easy as importing a Legends of Runeterra deck. After that process, you can go to the Edit Deck option to realize that the cards highlighted in red are that ones that you still don’t own. Therefore, you have to craft them either with Shards or tokens known as Wildcards, or earn them, for example via chests that can be rewards for playing or timed gifts.

It will take you some time to get the best Legends of Runeterra decks, so stop wasting time and get exploring this new and exciting card game. The official Legends of Runeterra release date is set for later this year, but this is the time to start practicing.

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