Beautiful action RPG Magia: Charma Saga returns after short intermission

Magia: Charma Saga gameplay Caleera

When SuperAcid announced the closure of Magia: Charma Saga, it was baffling. Here we had this fantastic-looking side-scrolling mobile action RPG where you truly played the game – as opposed to watched -, and it was shutting down.

It was disappointing and the lack of a justification for the move was weird. But a cryptic “will soon be back” left me with some hope, after all.

This happened on July 1 and now, July 23, Magia: Charma Saga returns, and is currently accepting pre-registrations – I've seen people having coffee breaks that lasted longer than this “closure”. SuperAcid describes the returning game as “new and more fascinating,” but no details on the rework were released – I guess you'll have to see for yourself to discover what is new.

The new Magia: Charma Saga is coming soon for Android devices in the Google Play Store, but the iOS version is going to take a while longer.

Magia: Charma Saga has a selection of four characters: Battle Mage Caleera, Spirit Magician Leta Vinis, Magic Swordsman Aiden Rutelan and Guardian Knight Morgan. Their playstyles, skills and difficulty level are clearly distinct, but I'm willing to bet that many players instantly went for Caleera, the hot mage. Come on, there is no use denying it.

The side-scrolling action is fast and furious, the skills are interesting to use and extremely flashy, and the boss battles don't lack excitement. But it's the stunning art that will keep you going, discovering new environments and incredible enemies… only to bash them right in the head – nothing stops you, no matter how great it looks.

Magia: Charma Saga even includes a butler to create some cool materials for your hero. The amount of fan service in display surely doesn't hurt as well, especially during the dialogue parts. Give this game a try if you like our gameplay impressions below.

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