Would you like more anime with that? Extra customization options added to KurtzPel

Character customization options KurtzPel

If you want your KurtzPel character customization to be more embracing, there is an update coming on June 19 that will satisfy your request.

This will bring new customization options that are tied to the personality that you choose. Some of those eyes are as anime as they come, so I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing some One Piece or Naruto lookalikes in KurtzPel.

Personalities in KurtzPel aren't meaningful to the way that you play the game. However, your choice affects some cosmetic elements such as the eyes, hair style, stance or voice. There's nothing like making a few different characters in case you want to see the other options available, especially after this new update.

Character customization options KurtzPel 1 Character customization options KurtzPel 2 Character customization options KurtzPel 3 Character customization options KurtzPel 4 Character customization options KurtzPel 5 Character customization options KurtzPel 6 Character customization options KurtzPel 7 Character customization options KurtzPel 8

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