KOG anticipates KurtzPel global launch and adds new features

anime KurtZpel global launch

If you're not in North or South America, you were probably unable to enjoy the frantic anime action of KurtzPel's Early Access launch. Well, there are ways to do it, but to each his own.

But don't fret, as KOG has announced that the global launch is happening earlier than what was initially planned. Instead of releasing the Asian version on July 3, it will roll out simultaneously with the European servers on June 5, 2019. It's nearly a month earlier than expected.

The global launch will come with the announced character’s base stats redistribution system. It's worth noting that the two Karmas that were initially locked are already unlocked for a while now.

Other features are coming such as the ability to purchase supply boxes with CP, which you can get after gathering a certain amount of AP in-game. New supply boxes will be added as well.

A screenshot mode will be introduced, allowing you to hide the user interface and take wonderful photos of your anime waifu.

The PvP mode is going through some changes, including the respawn time or Conquest gauge speed. 

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