Atlas Reactor goes free-to-play. Again. Hopefully for good

Once again, there was a game that was announced as free-to-play. However, just a few months later, the studio decided to switch the business model to buy-to-play. It's settled then, everyone thought. But nooo! A few months passed and then this game sort of went free again, only with a few limitations such as ranked matches for paying players only. And that's the end of the story.

Well, not really. In a new producer's letter, Executive Producer Peter Ju has revealed that Atlas Reactor is going back to free-to-play with the Season 2 patch that deploys on January 17 and it will be possible for players to earn freelancers through gameplay. You still can buy the premium pack to get all current and future freelancers, much in the way of SMITE or Battlerite. If you have purchased Atlas Reactor or do so before January 17, you'll get a special thank-you package in the coming weeks.

When all is said and done, Atlas Reactor is now back at the start and all these business model changes only added to the confusion and probably hurt the game's reputation in player's eyes, which is a shame as it's a very interesting tactical game, a genre that is getting more popular, with SMITE Tactics also coming soon.

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