Bethesda announces new Commander Keen for mobile devices, could it look more childish?

Bethesda Commander Keen mobile

While some games like Durango: Wild Lands give me a glimpse of hope for mobile devices as a gaming platform, other games make me want to facepalm. Such is the case with the newly announced Commander Keen.

Bethesda is bringing the beloved side-scrolling platform series created by id Software to the current generation with the new Commander Keen game. For iOS and Android devices. Are you listening yet?

The big issue with Zenimax Online's update is that it looks like your random flash game that you can play for a couple of minutes in your browser. The graphics also look extremely childish and I don't see them appealing either to fans of the original games or new players.

Commander Keen is free-to-play, has a story mode and a 1v1 mode as well. The official website is live and you can watch some really uninspired gameplay below. The like/dislike ratio is strong in this one, as you may have guessed already.

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