Black Desert Guardian gameplay shows the brutal new class in action

Black Desert Guardian gameplay

The new Black Desert class has arrived and she brings sheer raw force with her. That, and a huge axe to chop her enemies into pieces. The Black Desert Guardian gameplay will confirm that the thickness teased during the reveal and the announcement trailer wasn't a random event.

The Black Desert Guardian release date for North America and Europe is January 22, 2020. However, it has just dropped on the Korean servers, where the gameplay below was recorded by Rendermax.

Character creation will show you those thighs, but this should come as no surprise as the Guardian is unofficially regarded as the female counterpart to the Berserker class (the Giant in Black Desert Mobile). She is as strong as you should expect from a character that seems inspired by Norse mythology, using melee skills that send her enemies flying. The shield can be used to charge at her enemies as well. Some Guardian skills even seem to have a bit of Thor to them.

Watch the Black Desert Guardian gameplay below while you wait about a month for her to release in the west. Let's all ignore the fact that fighting in those high heels must be hell, but that's video games for you.

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