Daum Games and Pearl Abyss released plenty of videos in anticipation for the Black Desert open beta, including character creation videos for every class revealed so far and a video focused entirely on combat. A story trailer was released, but you have to brush up on your Korean to understand what's going on.
More interesting is the features trailer, which shows that Black Desert Online has so much going on besides the non-target action combat and… cats. Lots of cats. This trailer shows just how rich the game world is, something that we already knew and have explored in the past, but as development progresses, more and more features are added or revamped.
The trailer shows a lot of stuff and we definitely recommend you to watch it. But we would like to highlight the different horses and mounted combat, other mounts (camels and elephants), farming, housing, swimming, naval combat, cooking, blacksmithing, pets (cats, dogs and falcons), emotes, and sitting pretty looking at the camera, something that many players will appreciate due to the visual flair of the Sorceress and Ranger characters.
Black Desert will hit North America and Europe in 2015.
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