NCsoft has just announced that the Blade and Soul closed beta weekends will begin on October 30, with five beta weekends planned for now and possibly more to come. While the first two beta weekends will focus on testing the English version of the Western release, the remaining three will include all launch languages, meaning that French and German will be available.
Five beta weekends translate into over 20 days of total playtime, each weekend running from Friday at 10am PDT to Monday at 10pm PDT. While signing up at the official Blade & Soul website gives you some limited chances to join the beta, those who purchased a Founder's Pack will have instant access to all the beta tests.
Here is the beta schedule:
Weekend 1: Oct 30–Nov 2 [English only]
Weekend 2: Nov 13–16 [English only]
Weekend 3: Nov 24–30 [English, French, German]
Weekend 4: Dec 11–14 [English, French, German]
Weekend 5: Dec 18–21 [English, French, German]
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