This week in Blade and Soul is the week of the Summoner class, after last week's Blade Master. The Summoner is a class featuring a Familiar that is a cat eager to engage in fights to protect its master. Engaging opponents in melee, it draws the enemies' attention so that the Summoner is safe to attack from a distance.
The Summoner’s abilities are based upon Earth and Wind elements, so it's very useful to focus around these damage types. This class is also great in a party thanks to its defensive skills, as it's the only class with group healing abilities. The Familiar also helps to deal with additional enemies so that the rest of the team can focus on a boss or other target.
You can check more about the Summoner on the official post, including combos in detail. Just be prepared for a lot of cat-related puns. Oh, and before you ask, the first North American and European beta weekend is October 30.
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