Take a stroll in Bless Unleashed arenas and get ready for closed beta

Bless Unleashed closed beta

Is Bless Unleashed setting out to do what Bless Online didn't? It's a bit early to tell, but the latest dungeons and bosses trailer surely makes me feel more optimistic about this action MMORPG.

The free-to-play MMORPG and Xbox One exclusive Bless Unleashed is about to enter closed beta on July 11. The beta runs until July 15 and has a level cap of 22. There are a few ways that you can participate in the beta, such as giveaways or becoming an Xbox Insider. The official website will tell you all about it.

The Bless Unleashed closed beta will take you through some dungeons such as the 5-player Kobold Liar for level 18 players, or the Harpy Queen’s Nest for level 22 adventurers. There are also 2-player arena challenges such as the Holy Maiden of Light (Level 5), Emperor of Roots (Level 10), Mercenary Remnos (Level 15) and Gnoll Chiefs (Level 20).

The trailer below shows some interesting bosses and is worth a couple of minutes of your time.

Bless Unleashed may turn out to be a timed exclusive for the Xbox One, since there were glimpses of proof pointing to a PlayStation 4 version. As for a PC release, it's not entirely unlikely considering that Bless Online is about to bite the dust.

Bandai Namco handles publishing duties for Bless Unleashed. The Japanese studio has recently revealed its very own online action RPG, the stunning Blue Protocol

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