Car royale game notmycar patch adds servers in various continents

Car royale game notmycar

NMC Studios has just released the first major patch for its Vehicular Battle Royale game notmycar. Having entered Early Access on April 5, notmycar was unjustly flooded with negative reviews due to some players experiencing server issues and lag. Such was not the case with us.

notmycar's patch will hopefully sweeten the deal with the addition of international servers. Regions such as South America, Europe, US East and Asia-Pacific now have dedicated servers – let's hope that the lag goes away for good. However, the cargo plane still seems to lag like crazy, but that's nothing more than a slight hiccup that should be fixed soon. Some audio fixes were thrown into the mix as well. 

If you haven't heard of notmycar before, this is a fun and free-to-play Battle Royale game where everyone is driving, instead of running around. You can play it for free right now. and watch our notmycar first impressions video below.

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