CCG Solforge is shutting down by the end of the month

If you're a developer and you want a piece of the cake of the free-to-play market, you'd be well advised to steer clear of two genres in particular: MOBAs and Collecting Card Games. Those genres are just so saturated right now that either you have a top quality game with a solid marketing planned to make it noticed, or there's no reason for even trying.

Solforge is the latest of the victims of the CCG craze and the first free-to-play game that we're reporting to be shutting down in 2017, more specifically on January 31. Around three years in early access weren't enough to make it a great game, as it sat there with mixed reviews on Steam six months after the official launch in July 2016.

The news came from Stone Blade Entertainment CEO Justin Gary, saying that “as of today, we are ceasing development of new content for the current implementation of SolForge. We will continue to maintain the servers through the end of January 31, 2017. This isn’t the way any of us wanted SolForge to end. Unfortunately, we bit off more than we could chew trying to build a digital game of this scope and have learned many hard lessons along the way that we will apply to future games (including future incarnations of SolForge)”.

This means that other games sharing the world of Solforge (Solis) could actually happen: “We remain passionate about the SolForge community and we are not done exploring the world of Solis. We are also speaking with potential partners who may be able to take over the SolForge IP and remain hopeful that SolForge will return one day, better than ever.”

Will Solforge return? We shall see, but it has to shape up to face the competition of Gwent, Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls Legends and Shadowverse, just to name a few.

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