Dizzel is finally out there, after a short open beta phase and early access – OGPlanet is officially launching this third-person shooter both on Steam and OGPlanet.com. Dizzel is popular due to the brutal executions, aka fatalities, so that your enemies remain dead and can't be revived. The game uses an over-the-shoulder view that draws many comparisons to Gears of War.
The full launch brings a lot of new content, including 17 new weapon skins, 5 new weapons and 3 new characters including the new female character, Vedette, who is said to be as sexy as she is deadly. There's also 5 new post-apocalyptic maps, a Daily Mission System (with missions such as Execute 10 Enemies or Explode 5 Heads with a Shotgun), Clan vs. Clan warfare, and plenty of launch events.
OGPlanet is also giving players an exclusive package that contains all the basic gears players will need to get themselves started. To claim it you just have to enter the code ‘DZLAUNCH14' on the keycode redemption page. Steam users can enter their keycode by visiting the item shop and clicking the [Reload Astros] button. A window will pop-up where they can enter their code for redemption. Once redeemed, items will be delivered to user's Storage Box within a 24-hour period.
So that you remember just what this game is all about, here is our Dizzel first look gameplay video.
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