Echo of Soul just received a new update which includes the brand new character class Warlock, which uses ranged and melee attacks and is able to evolve into a Tormentor or a Reaper. To celebrate the launch, Aeria Games is increasing the number of character slots available for each account from six to eight and there's also a little challenge: the first player to reach level 60 with the Warlock class on each server will receive a special Warlock title.
Crimson Fortress and Destroyed Cardilla, two new dungeons, are part of the update, as well as new Tier 5 Infinite Solo Dungeons and Tier 6 Party Dungeons with new boss monsters. The update also brings the start of PvP Season 2, which kicks off this week and runs through March 2016. All players start fresh for the new season and get the chance to compete for exclusive titles and new PvP gear.
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