Ember Sword unveils a short PvE combat preview

Ember Sword combat preview

So Couch Studios – probably my favorite name ever for a software house – has finally revealed some tangible Ember Sword combat gameplay.

Promises were made a while ago and are now fulfilled. Unfortunately, this is a very short video showing a bit of Ember Sword's PvE combat mechanics. Captured from an internal pre-alpha build, this combat feels fast and with lots of potential, especially considering that it is classless.

However, it poses as many questions as it answers. Is the control system exclusively mouse-based or is WASD a part of it? What about skill chains and cooldown times? Does this rash look infected to you?

Sorry, got a little bit carried away. Ember Sword is a free-to-play sandbox MMORPG based on blockchain technology. What this means is that you should truly own your cosmetics as tokens that you can safely trade or profit by selling  to other players.

Sounds promising, but also in a very early stage. Let's see how Ember Sword evolves during the rest of 2019.

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