EVE Online’s spin-off Project Nova begins invite-only alpha in November

EVE Online's spin-off Project Nova begins invite-only alpha

CCP Games has revealed more details on its upcoming shooter during the EVE Vegas convention. EVE Online's spin-off Project Nova begins invite-only alpha in November, and you can sign up for it at Project Nova's official site. They did promise a reveal a while ago, so this is a good start.

The studio also revealed the synopsis and procedural goals of this first-person shooter, which is an evolution of the failed PS3 exclusive DUST 514:

“Players take on the role of a Warclone, elite clone soldiers carving their own path to redemption against Sansha’s Nation, a totalitarian rogue state built upon brainwashed slave labor and controlled by loyal ‘True Guardians’, a cybernetically-enhanced elite.”

“Players will face Sansha’s Nation across a multiple-act narrative that utilizes unpredictable procedural objectives and adaptive enemy AI to craft an always-engaging experience.”

Project Nova – which is likely to be a temporary name – is in development at CCP Games with the help of British studio Sumo Digital. CCP itself was recently acquired by South Korean outfit and developer of Black Desert Online, Pearl Abyss.

EVE Online's spin-off Project Nova begins invite-only alpha

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