Gigantic: first dev diary talks passion, troubles and overcoming them

Gigantic Motiga shutting down

Perfect World Entertainment and Motiga have just released the first Gigantic developer diary and while this beautiful free-to-play MOBA game is now in another round of closed beta, things weren't exactly easy for the developer team. You may remember the times when Motiga ran into financial troubles and had to let go some of the staff late 2015 and early 2016, but the studio isn't ashamed to talk about it, or to mention the passion that the team has for Gigantic and for their colleagues.

Luckily, a few months later Perfect World steps in and we dare to say that the studio and Gigantic were saved by this move.

Motiga mentions in the dev diary that the term MOBA is now much broader than a few years ago, without limiting itself to games with lanes, creeps and towers – Gigantic is a MOBA, but as a multiplayer online battle arena in the strict sense, offering more freedom and some creative mechanics.

If you have any curiosity in Gigantic or if you're already addicted as many players are confessing to be, watch the dev diary below.

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