Before you say that you're sick and tired of MOBAs, give this one a quick look; Gigantic is a free-to-play 5 vs. 5 team action game from Motiga, an indie studio. The big – and we should probably mean huge – thing about this game is that you won't be taking down lame enemy bases, but impressive monster guardian.
That was point number one. The second point that pushes Gigantic that little bit ahead of the upcoming competition is the amazing visuals, a true cartoon that seems inspired by games such as The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker or the Sly Cooper series. It is truly stunning, as the announcement trailer proves. The character design is something that will surely get many applauses.
You can sign up for the alpha to keep following Gigantic, one more MOBA but one that actually seems like it could be a truly welcome addition to the genre.
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