Gloria Victis combat update is live with motion captured animations

It took a while but the Gloria Victis combat update is now live and brings quite a few improvements. We first heard about Black Eye Games' intention to revamp combat in October 2016, and now the update is available. Combat is much more in-depth, rewarding skilled players and offering a much more tactical approach to the clashes. One thing worth mentioning is that the Gloria Victis combat update includes motion-capture animations made by Jakub Kisiel, who worked on acclaimed games such as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Gears of War.

The Gloria Victis combat update allows players to use directional blocking, charge mechanics, combat in water and place a shield on their backs. It also includes entirely reworked controller and synchronization.

Future Gloria Victis updates will introduce the new playable nation Azebs, and the developers are working on the quests system.

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