Hyper Universe: Nexon’s side-scrolling MOBA is officially coming to NA and EU

hyper universe boobs

It took a while but it's finally happening and we couldn't be happier about it! Nexon America has just announced that the side-scrolling MOBA Hyper Universe is coming to North America, Latin America, Europe and Oceania in 2017. You may recall that we frowned when we heard the “side-scrolling MOBA” bit, but after playing the original South Korean version we had to say that it's a very fun game, combining tactical and team-oriented gameplay with some mechanics that could be taken from an action platformer. There are five turrets to dominate and defend across multi-level, side-scrolling maps to save the universe.

The characters, called Hypers, have crazy abilities and are of very different sizes and inspirations, sometimes from pop culture – there's a Bruce Lee lookalike specialized in Kung Fu, but also the Power Rangers or somewhere close, a sexy female elf, a Chun-Li kind of action female and many more, with plenty of skins that change the look of them entirely.

Sign-ups are already open at the official website and we've always considered Hyper Universe as the perfect match for NCsoft's Master X Master, so it's a great thing that both are coming to western territories. Here's the official western announcement trailer.

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