Iris Yuma joins SoulWorker today, comes with gift pack

Iris Yuma soulworker gift pack

All that teasing wasn't for nothing. Iris Yuma has just landed on SoulWorker today, as Gameforge releases what is currently the sixth and last character known for this game.

Iris comes with her weapon, the huge Hammer Stol, and apparently she is extremely bitter and enraged by the deaths of her family. The Hammer Stol is a sort of big laser cannon that can also be used to smack the enemies that come too close to her.

If you want to play Iris, you should take advantage of the free gift pack that comes with a dark red hair colour for Iris, as well as the following items: 1x Radio (Community), 10x Improved HP Kit, 10x Respawner and 3x Anti-Destruction. The code to redeem this SoulWorker gift pack is ‘IRISYUMA' and you can find the instructions right here.

Meanwhile, in Korea, the six characters are getting their job upgrades, with the latest one being Jin Seipatsu. This should be where Gameforge is heading next later this year.

Iris Yuma soulworker gift pack

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