Big news coming for Guild Wars 2 ahead of PAX, it seems. IGN apparently jumped the gun and tweeted that Guild Wars 2 is going free-to-play, with the announcement to be made soon – there was even a GW2 trailer mentioning “play for free”. Both were promptly removed but not fast enough that the interwebz couldn't capture a screen and share the trailer, which you should be able to watch below.
Obviously, there's a lot to be confirmed right now, and the dedicated folks at Reddit has data-mined some info that could be related to the “core” version of Guild Wars 2 being free, but more as something of a free trial such as Final Fantasy XIV or World of Warcraft – along with a level cap of 15, there are other limitations such as only one or two character slots, not being able to access main WvW maps (EB and Borderlands) or accessing Team Arenas, among other things. However, this info is from over a year ago, so things could have changed in the meantime.
Whatever happens, there's something brewing in Guild Wars 2 and we should have answers really soon. Are you excited for this move to free-to-play, or do you suspect it will be a limited trial?
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