If you're curious about the work that goes into a single map for a shooter such as… let's say, Unreal Tournament, then you're in luck – Epic Games has just released the third part of a series that shows how the Capture the Flag level, Titan Pass, goes from the most basic sketch to a fully realized, beautiful level. It is absolutely stunning, pretty much like the Outpost 23 map is too, and this clearly is one of the games that puts the Unreal Engine 4 to the best use. The intro music also helps, we can't stop shaking our heads to it.
Unreal Tournament is currently in pre-alpha and is going to be free-to-play without microtransactions – it will include a marketplace where developers, modders, artists and gamers can give away, buy and sell mods and content. You can watch our first look gameplay video to see just how smooth and pretty it is shaping up to be, or you can just go to the official website, download the game and play it for yourself.
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