Kingdom Under Fire 2 is coming to the west after China version launch

This one is for you two in the back who still haven't lost hope – Kingdom Under Fire 2 is still coming to North America, and probably Europe too. Yes, Blueside hasn't completely forgotten about western players and has confirmed that this action and strategy MMO hybrid is set to release in these territories (thanks 2P). However, this will only happen after the launch of the Chinese version, which is in closed beta at this time, with the open beta planned for later this year.

There's an English version of Kingdom Under Fire 2 already, more specifically the Southeast Asian server, but there's nothing like the real deal, and apparently we'll only get it early 2017, so hang in there – who knows, maybe one day Sega drops and says that Phantasy Star Online 2 is also coming to the west… Nah, not really.

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