KurtzPel characters send global beta keys to celebrate Valentine’s day

KurtzPel beta key trailer

Because why not? KOG has created a new KurtzPel video showing some of the main NPCs addressing you, the potential player, with promises of a gift (a beta key) and a chocolate. It's a human tradition that a few of them aren't accustomed to, you know.

If you got a KurtzPel global beta key as promised, then you are on the lucky end of the deal – you can go to Steam right now to activate it and download the game. Those who didn't… well, don't let that ruin your Valentine's Day anyway. And about that chocolate… hey, it's either an in-game item or, most likely, they are just messing with you.

The KurtzPel global closed beta begins of February 20 and runs until February 24.

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