League of Angels 2 is launching in 2016

If you liked League of Angels then rejoice, as Youzu Game has just announced that the sequel will launch sometime during 2016 and once again as a free-to-play game. Details are very scarce at the moment and besides the official Facebook page, the fact that it will be in 3D and browser-based, as well as having a couple of artworks, there's not much to sink your teeth into. Heck, there's not even some new artwork with hot, barely dressed sexy angels as the first game was renowned for, but these should come later on.

Like it or not, League of Angels gathered quite some following and many players are excited for League of Angels 2. The ambition is clear in this official description (“AAA title), but we'll have to wait and see if it delivers:

“League of Angels II features an advanced 3D engine, beautiful animations and effects, and masterful storytelling to create a AAA title. Representing the next generation in the League of Angels franchise, League of Angels II sends out a strong message that ‘The Angels have Transcended' to all players.”

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