New League of Maidens patch improves graphics, adds butt sliders

league of maidens

A revolution is in the making – the new League of Maidens v1.1.9a patch, releasing on September 9, is finally going to add butt sliders! Yay! Now that we think of it, this was almost something that we took for granted in League of Maidens, but it's still a rare feature in most online games, so we're glad it's really happening.

We know that some of you are scoffing right now, but League of Maidens is shaping up to be much more than a crude display of sexy female bodies. In fact, every patch adds bigger and better features to the game, and this one is no exception. For example, significant graphical improvements were made to the Start page, City Stage and Desert Stage. The melee system was revamped and now includes a forward moving (4) hit combo, and the War Maiden AI was also retooled. Two pets and six horse mounts will make it into the game, as well as 1v1 and 2v2 gameplay modes. Air melee combos will now be possible.

Sadly, we don't yet have a new video showcasing some of these additions – first and foremost, butt sliders, but also horses and pets -, but it probably won't be long to see this patch in action. You can always enjoy the new screens below, which show a bit of the graphical improvements introduced to the game. League of Maidens is on Steam but currently in a private alpha. Sign up at the official website to know when the public alpha starts.

league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens
league of maidens

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