Let me see your gear stripped in Revelation Online

The Revelation Online site is telling you all that you need to know about stripping… your equipment, that is. Don't go thinking crazy thoughts, you guys!

The equipment stripping feature is the perfect way to ditch that piece of gear that you don't think is useful anymore and extract Equipment Experience, Dragonspikes and Tier Beads. “Out with the old, in with the new”, as they said. It's also a really simple process: open your inventory, hit the Item Stripping icon on the bottom left and it's done. The experience from the old gear will be returned to you in the form of a Condensed Starstone, for later use.

This is a very useful option and I wish it was available in real life. That would allow me to strip my outdated beach shorts and use the experience in my new, comfy pajamas.

To see more details about Revelation Online's equipment stripping feature, go here. The new Assassin class was just released a couple of weeks ago.

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