Life Beyond is the official name for Project C MMORPG, first gameplay trailer

Life Beyond

Life Beyond is the final name for the MMORPG previously known as Project C. Darewise Entertainment has shared the name with the community through the first Life Beyond gameplay trailer.

With the name comes some additional info about this MMO. If you recall, this is the game that had a $150 Founder's Pack up for sale virtually without any gameplay to vouch for it. Besides, you had to go through some sort of interview process to join the alpha, with live chat included, which is probably a first for a voluntary testing phase of any game.

Life Beyond uses SpatialOS, an engine that is yet to deliver a game that is here to stay. It is a cross-platform open world game for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile devices, and while the business model is yet to be announced, the presence on mobile platforms could be indication that it is going to be free-to-play.

Life Beyond is set on a planet called Corvus, where players strive to build communities and a florishing economy system. The trailer below may give you a few hints of No Man's Sky, but it feels a bit rudimentary and the graphics are pretty average, probably due to constraints by the cross-play feature. However, this could be an MMORPG about freedom and going for your own goals, and there's potential for that.

Let us know what you think of Life Beyond, and check the official website if you want more info.

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