Lost Ark ends second closed beta, reminisces on the experience

lost ark second CBT

The second Lost Ark closed beta test has ended in Korea a couple of days ago and Smilegate once again talks about it in an interesting travel log. CM Risha recalls the experience and goes through plenty of content that many lucky players managed to explore.

Although it's all in Korean (obviously), you can see plenty of new Lost Ark images and details. There's sailing, giant islands (where player characters are naturally very small), ladybug transformation, field boss combat, fishing, the icy continent of Shushire, and much more. By the end of the second Lost Ark CBT, the guild masters appeared in front of the players and apparently, everyone started dancing.

Smilegate didn't reveal anything about a third closed beta or if Lost Ark could be going straight into open beta, so we'll have to wait for further info. Either way, an English version is likely to happen, but still under wraps. Fingers crossed.

If you want to kill some time, why don't you watch this gameplay from ten Lost Ark classes, or plenty of Lost Ark footage from the second closed beta.

lost ark second CBT

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