Lost Ark Episode 2 brings the new continent Yorn and a lot more

Lost Ark Episode 2 update

While we sit tight and wait for the announcement of a western release, we have to comfort ourselves with Lost Ark news coming straight from Korea. This time it's the huge Episode 2 update, landing on June 19, 2019.

Episode 2 brings the new Yorn continent, a place built underground where the Umar race (dwarves) inhabits. Along with it comes a couple of new dungeons, a new world boss, the lion with wings guardian Akatsu, and new equipment, among other things.

The trailer below will give you a great idea of what's in store, but in case you want to learn more, the official page has all the details. In Korean, but that's just how it goes.

Lost Ark released in Korea during November 2018 and quickly climbed to the top of the most played games, in spite of nightmarish queue times. But anything is better than not playing it at all, even if Smilegate's CEO has already confirmed that Lost Ark is coming to North America and Europe.

For now, you can feast your eyes upon the Korean and Russian versions of Lost Ark. Mail.ru is publishing the MMORPG in Russia, so it's only natural that rumors of its subsidiary My.com taking over publishing duties for western territories arise. However, Smilegate recently signed a deal with Microsoft to bring Crossfire X to North America, so who knows if both parties won't sign a deal for Lost Ark as well?

Either way, hang in there as the official announcement shouldn't take long now.

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