Lost Ark open beta info and improvements revealed

Lost Ark open beta info

The latest letter from Risha talks in some detail about the Lost Ark open beta info and improvements that were made since the final closed beta. It's not just a tweak or two, Smilegate clearly has been busy and reworked a lot of the mechanics and visuals.

First of all, the Tripod system was improved with the option to combine the skill in different styles, and visual upgrades will make them look even more impressive. Each class also received a powerful awakening, the cooldown of some skills was shortened and the range was also increased. A few classes saw their ‘identity' skills improved, becoming more effective: Warlord, Bard and Destroyer.

The creature AI was improved, as well as the impact during combat – the sound was upgraded accordingly to make impact sound meatier. PvP saw some improvements, including the option to counterattack instead of simply being knocked down without a chance to react. Finally, sailing saw quite some improvements, including the addition of various new ships, improvement of the crew operation, a new environment and a lot more, such as convenience improvements (for example, support for 21: 9 aspect ratio).

The letter ends some examples of stunning visual enhancements coming with the open beta and a new song called Black Teeth. This is definitely a lot of new Lost Ark open beta info, and includes plenty of tiny screens as well for you to look at.

Lost Ark's Korean open beta begins November 7, 2018, and there is no English release confirmed so far.

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