Lost Ark’s second Korean closed beta possibly this summer

second Lost Ark closed beta

It's been a while since Lost Ark ended the first Korean closed beta in August 2016 and since then, the only noteworthy thing was a spot at G-Star 2016 that didn't amount to much.

Now, according to Steparu, Smilegate could be close to unveiling the second closed beta date, as in a talk with LostArkDB the studio mentioned it could begin in June or July: “Although just a rumor and nothing set in stone, someone from LostArkDB had a chat with a Smilegate employee, and they mentioned that the next closed beta for the Korean version of Lost Ark is scheduled to start sometime in June or July.”

We'll have to wait and see, but if you're waiting for an hypothetical release of Lost Ark in North America or Europe, you should consider doing something in the meantime. Like living your life, for example.

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