Just as it happens in ArcheAge, in MapleStory 2 players will be subject to be sent to jail. However, this doesn't seem to be due to a regular illicit in-game activity, but more to those players who are abusive in chat and get reported for their behavior. Once a certain amount of reports is met, the player is sent to jail. This system needs to be perfectly thought out and balanced, and publisher Nexon is saying that those who report others for no good reason will be “severely punished”.
If you're a fair player and you're curious about the whole jail thing, then you're in luck – you can take a boat to look at the jail and – we're stretching it a bit here – perhaps make fun of players who tried to abuse you in chat.
The Korean MapleStory 2 closed beta recruiting phase runs from December 24th to January 12th and the testing goes from January 21st to January 25th.
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