As we're getting closer to the start of the MU Legend open beta, Webzen takes us through the game world in some detail.
While the previous closed betas and stress test only revealed a part of the MU continent, the open beta will let you explore the whole world map. A few guides are available and will introduce you to some of the territories and cities, such as Enova, Duelden, Litenberg and the big merchant city of Ordhor.
On the other hand, if you're more interested in learning about dungeons, you should check the dungeon guide. While you're at it, take a look at some of the most famous MU Legend dungeons such as Blood Castle, Endless Tower and Lupa's Labyrinth.
Dennis Czybulka, COO at Webzen Dublin, said:
“I can tell that, from the casual player to the most avid fan of ‘dungeon crawling' (I confess that I am one myself), all will be delighted to get their hands on the dungeon guide. In this guide, for example, you will learn that there is not only one category of dungeons, but plenty! And the beauty of it is, they cover everything that players expect: Treasure hunting, Mythic mode, big challenges, group dungeon expeditions and, of course, levelling. Party leaders will certainly have this specific guide open as a tool of knowledge while they organize their troop before attempting a dungeon expedition.”
MU Legend enters global open beta on November 7, so this should give you more than enough time to glance over the guides.
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