Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy expansion is coming late February

Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios have just announced Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy, the latest update for the free MMORPG. We've honestly lost track on how many expansions Neverwinter has already received (out of my head, it's probably the thirteenth update), but we're not complaining.

The Cloaked Ascendancy is launching for PC on February 21, with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 releases expected for later this year. This update follows the events of Storm King’s Thunder and brings a new campaign, adventure zone and more and the story tells us that the Spellplague continues to cast a shadow over Neverwinter, as four mages torn from the Cloak Tower by a spellstorm return to usurp the throne.

Players will brave their way through the latest adventure zone, The River District, to experience a new campaign exploring the trials of these powerful foes and uncovering their hidden motives. The Cloaked Ascendancy ends with an epic return to the new high-end dungeon, Spellplague Caverns, which is now firmly under the control of the Cloaked Ascendancy. Players will also experience a new skirmish, loaded with innovative gameplay, and the original Spellplague Caverns which will be returning as a leveling dungeon.

Neverwinter The Cloaked Ascendancy 1
Neverwinter The Cloaked Ascendancy 2

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