Nexon’s Project Meta is a side-scrolling action MORPG?

There's very little we know so far of Nexon's Project META, one of the few PC games that the Korean studio has announced during G-Star 2016 with a really short teaser trailer where the words “share, talk & try” were given special relevance. Now we may know a little more to this game according to 2P.

It seems that Project META is a side-scrolling action MORPG (possibly in the style of the classic Dungeon Fighter Online) powered by the Unreal Engine 4. Nexon also stated that it will be visually close to Street Fighter 5's art style, which sounds great to us.

However, this doesn't make it any clear on what the “share, talk & try” tagline comes in, or why the teaser takes us through some detailed 3D landscapes that seem made for first or third-person navigation.

Many questions remain, so let's wait for more details from Nexon.

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