Next Breach alpha test announced, begins on January 4

Breach alpha test

With the last technical alpha coming to an end three hours after it started, QC Games has already announced the date for the next Breach alpha test.

You can mark January 4, 2019 on your calendars, with the actual starting time to be revealed at a later date. Thet also didn't mention the duration of the test, but here's hoping that it's longer than the previous one.

There are a couple of rewards for alpha participants as well. Just by showing up and playing in at least one alpha test, you get the alpha tester exclusive outfit. If by any chance you manage to reach level 100 during the alpha tests and before Breach enters Steam Early Access, you earn a cool level 100 outfit to show your skills.

We've played and quite enjoyed the Breach technical alpha test. If you want to learn more about this 4v1 game, read our Breach alpha impressions.

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