The sci-fi MMORPG Otherland is getting a second beta test in February, Drago Entertainment has revealed. Players will be able to explore the five diverse virtual worlds and experience some of the new features such as crafting, mail system, auction house, and U|Space, the housing system in Otherland
Crafting is one of the most important features in Otherland, since it isn't limited to weapons and armors, there's also the very important eDNA. The eDNA is present in all items in Otherland. Instead of finding recipes in loot drop or buying them at vendors, players extract eDNA fragments from enemies they killed and – once the eDNA strain is complete – craft items characteristic for that NPC. That’s where SOMA – the central game resource – comes into play as crafting requires multiple types of SOMA in various quantities. Further adding variety, items will be created with 1 to 3 sockets. In turn, these may be filled with 3 types of crystals to improve various stats.
We recorded an Otherland first look gameplay video from the first closed beta – you can watch it below.
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