Perfect World is showing mobile MMORPG ReEvolve and battle royale FarSide at E3


Perfect World Entertainment is going to show two new games at E3 2018, and they're very different from one another. First of all we have a mobile sandbox MMORPG called ReEvolve, and then it's time for some battle royale antics with FarSide.

ReEvolve, the mobile MMORPG, seems pretty interesting, promising a vastly detailed open world format, a range of different ecosystems, day and night cycle, changing weather and realistic animal behavior, including food chains and migrations. Sounds ambitious, and hopefully it will be a cut above most mobile MMORPGs. You can also build and maintain your own bases, where you can build houses, plant crops, breed animals and protect yourself against hostile creatures. There's a PvE mode with battles against wild monsters and a PvP mode with Team Deathmatch and solo PvP.

I'm almost sad that this is a mobile MMORPG and not a PC MMORPG. And now, here's the ReEvolve synopsis:

“The future is upon us, and things aren't looking too good for the human race. War, plague, and evil have brought humanity to the brink of extinction, with one thing standing in the way of total annihilation-time travel. ReEvolve charges players with an important task: use the future's space-time tunneling technology to past eras and other planets in order to build a newer, brighter future. Will your contributions have you following The Shepherd, the human organization determined to set history right? Or will you be drawn to the corrupting, Cthulu-worshipping forces of The Piper? Use your M.P.D., a gun that can absorb everything from bosses to wild animals, to craft the world of your choosing.”

As for FarSide, it's Perfect World's dip into the battle royale genre. I'm assuming this game is destined to PC, as there is no mention of the platform for now, and I have no clue if it's going to be free-to-play or not. The developer is Dark Horse Game Studio, and this is described as “An Athletic Game”, although I doubt that you'll get in shape by playing it. Anyway, FarSide will have players skydiving into the arena (of course), where they must track down weapons, survival equipment and also vehicles, which sounds interesting. The arena will shrink, there is “real recoil and parabolic ballistic shooting”, which I assume will make the gameplay more realistic – let's wait and see.

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